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Friday, March 28, 2008

Dvar Torah for Parshat Shmini

People love to ask 'why?' It's the sign of curiosity, and it helps us learn more. Why is the sky blue? Why does rubber bounce? Why does the Torah use this word? Why? What about when a parent tells us to do something? We don't need to ask why, because we trust that our parents know what's best for us. 
        The Hebrew term for not asking why is called 'kabbalat ol'. It means accepting Hashem's commandments, even if we don't understand why we're doing them. We learn an important lesson about kabbalat ol from this week's parsha, Parshat Shmini. 
         Parshat Shmini describes the dedication of the Mishkan, the place where Hashem's presence would come down to rest in this world. Nadav and Avihu, the son's of Aharon the high priest, reached such a high level while serving Hashem that their souls couldn't bear to be down here anymore and left their bodies to be one with Hashem. Although this only happened to the two sons, all of the Jewish people were on an extremely high spiritual level. 
       Then right after this event, the Torah proceeds to command the Jews about the kosher laws and all the unkosher animals they shouldn't eat. Why does this come here, right in the middle of describing the extremely high spiritual level the Jews were on? 
       Someone might think that we only have to have 'kabbalat ol' and accept what Hashem commands when we are at a low level, when we don't really want to be doing it ourselves. We aren't excited or enthusiastic about it, we just do it because Hashem said so. But when someone is on such a high spiritual level and they have such a love for Hashem and a thirst for holiness, why would they need kabbalat ol? This is why the Torah stops and reminds us of the laws of kashrut, which are called chukim, laws that don't have a reason. We just do them because Hashem said. 
       It's very important to understand the reasons and deep meaning behind the mitzvot, and to do mitzvot with enthusiasm and joy. But at the same time we also have to have the foundation of 'kabbalat ol' and know that we really don't understand all the mitzvot, but our Father in Heaven knows what's best for us. Good Shabbos!

(Based on Likkutei Sichot, volume 1, page 227). 

A Joke

Two Jews were standing and talking on a Moscow street. One of them did not have official papers permitting him to be in Moscow at the time. When a police officer approached them to verify their documents, the Jew with the documents told his friend not to worry as he began to run from the officer.

The officer began to chase him. When he finally caught up, the officer asked him to show his documents, which he did. The officer asked him, "Why did you run away from me when you have the right documents?"

"My doctor told me to run one mile each day," responded the Jew.

"But why didn't you stop when you saw me running after you?" asked the officer.

"I thought your doctor told you the same," said the Jew.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Minute of Happiness

Every 60 seconds that you are sad are 60 seconds of happiness you will never have! Why not be happy in your life? YOU have a family, freinds, pets, home, food--what else do you really need? Everything else should become more secondary. Try not to take things for granted, and put on a SMILE!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Concentration with a Twist!

Here's a game idea to play with friends:
Sit enough chairs for everyone playing in a circle. Tape each girl's name on a piece of paper to  her chair. For the first round you play regular concentration "Shira, Shira, Malka Malka...Malka, Malka, Sara, Sara...etc) until someone gets out. When they get out a new round starts and everyone has to move over one seat. Now the name they have to play with is the one taped to their seat! The game ends when everyone is back to their original seats. Have Fun!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Recipe: Pesto Dip

1 bunch basil leaves
1/2 olive oil
4 cloves garlic
1/2 cup pine nuts
Mix in a food processer and mix with pasta, or use as dip!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Craft: Sparkle Pen

All you'll need is:
1 ballpoint pen
To jazz up your boring old pens, roll in glue and then roll in glitter! Let dry. 

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Survey of the Week

What did you dress up as for Purim? What was the cutest costume you saw? Post your replies in the comments section.